1. Language, its constituent parts. Language and speech.
2. Grammar as a part of linguistics. Synchrony, diachrony.
3. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, their types.
4. Traditional Grammar in Ancient Greece and Rome. Its role in Grammar developing as a science.
5. Prescriptive Grammar, its role and representation in Modern Theoretical Grammar.
6. Non-Structural and Structural Descriptive Grammar, their role and representation in Modern Theoretical Grammar.
7. Transformational – Generative Grammar, its role and representation in Modern Theoretical Grammar.
8. Units of language, their hierarchy, general features, linguistic branches that study the language units.
9. Morpheme, problems of its definition, its types.
10. Grammatical meaning and categories.
11. Synthetical and analytical grammatical forms. English and Russian compared as to their grammatical structures.
12. The theory of parts of speech. Different approaches to the division of words into parts of speech.
13. Notional parts of speech. Their main characteristic features.
14. Functional parts of speech. Their characteristics.
15. The noun, its classification.
16. The categories of Gender and Number of the Noun. English and Russian compared as to Gender and Number of the Noun.
17. Case of the Noun in English and Russian compared.
18. The adjective and the adverb in English and Russian compared.
19. The verb, its morphological structure, types of forming Past Simple and Past Participle. The verb in English and Russian compared.
20. Classification of the verbs according to their semantics, syntactical function.
21. Tense of the English verb. Tense and Time correlation. The category of Tense in English and Russian compared.
22. The category of Voice in English and Russian compared.
23. The category of Aspect in English and Russian compared.
24. The category of Taxis,its definition. The category of Taxis in English and Russian compared.
25. The category of Mood in English and Russian compared.
26. Non-finite forms of the Verb. Constructions with non-finite verb forms.
27. The phrase (the word-group) in English and Russian compared. Its definition and classification.
28. Syntax, general characteristics, basic notions.
29. Syntactic theories. The IC grammar. Transformational grammar. Syntactic derivation.
30. The Sentence. The features in English and Russian compared. 3 main ways of word connections in the Sentence.
31. The utterance. Informative structure of the Utterance. Ways of expressing the theme and the rheme. Functional typology of utterances.
32. Simple sentence. Classification of sentences according to the type of communication in English and Russian compared.
33. Pragmatics. Basic notions of pragmatic linguistics.
34. Speech acts. Classification of speech acts. Indirect speech acts.
35. The text as a syntactic unit. The notion of cohesion and coherence. Text connecting devices. Textual deictic markers.
36. The Text and the Discourse. Discourse analysis – the study of the language in use. The Hallidayan model of the language.