понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.
Part 1. History of Grammar Studies
Задание на соотнесение
These quotes are likely to belong to representatives of the following schools of Theoretical Grammar:
1. “The study of language can be conducted...only so long as we pay no attention to the meaning of what is spoken.”
2."The true End and Use of Grammar is to teach how to speak and write well and learnedly in a language already known, according to the unalterable Rules of right Reason."
3.“The aim of linguistics is ‘to make grammatical explanations parallel in achievement to the behavior of the speaker who, on the basis of a finite and accidental experience with language can produce and understand an indefinite number of new sentences.”
4. “Sentences in continual speech are not used in isolation, they are interconnected both semantically and syntactically.”
5. “I confine myself to the statement of facts, without attempting to settle the relative correctness of divergent usages.”
a)Text Linguistics
b)Structural Grammar
c)Transformational –Generative Grammar
d)Normative (Prescriptive) Grammar
e)Classical Scientific Grammar
Each period in English Grammar studies can be described as follows:
1. Prescriptive Grammar
2. Classical Scientific Grammar
3. Structuralism
4. Transformational-generative grammar
5. Systemic functional grammar
a. is the objective study of a language structure, without reference to meaning and other languages which relies heavily on formal methods of analysis.
b. studies possible sentences, i.e. the speaker’s-hearer’s knowledge of a language (competence); it aims at a system of formal mathematically precise rules that generates grammatical sentences of the language and assigns to each sentence a structure description.
c. is characterized by patterning after Latin and by the use of logic and subjective opinion in classifying words and in establishing grammatical categories.
d. focuses on actual usage without assessing its correctness and analyses the English of the best contemporary authors.
e. focuses on the communicative, as opposed to cognitive, aspect of language and views grammar as a means to realize the three major language metafunctions.
Each of these schools of Theoretical Grammar can be described by one of the quotes:
1. Text Linguistics
2. Normative (Prescriptive) Grammar
3. Pre-Normative Grammar
a. “What we are trying to do in the present description is squeezing all the forms of EG into the system of Latin.”
b. "The true End and Use of Grammar is to teach how to speak and write well and learnedly in a language already known, according to the unalterable Rules of right Reason."
c. “Sentences in continual speech are not used in isolation, they are interconnected both semantically and syntactically.”
d. “The study of language can be conducted...only so long as we pay no attention to the meaning of what is spoken.”
e. “If an ‘ungrammatical’ expression such as ‘it is me’ is in general use among educated people, I accept it as such, simply adding that it is avoided in the literary language.”
The linguists represent a period in Grammar Studies below:
1. William Bullokar, Ben Jonson, Thomas Dilworth, John Wallis
2. H.Sweet, H.Poustma, O.Jespersen
3. Leonard Bloomfield, Ch. Fries, Ferdinand de Saussure
4. Noam Chomsky
5. G. Lacoff, Charles Fillmore
a. Transformational – Generative Grammar
b. Pre-Normative Grammar
c. Structural (Am.Descriptive) Grammar
d. Generative Semantics → Cognitive Linguistics
e. Classical Scientific Grammar
The following linguists are likely to have made the statements below:
1. Leonard Bloomfield
2. Noam Chomsky
3. Charles Fillmore
a. “The aim of linguistics is ‘to make grammatical explanations parallel in achievement to the behavior of the speaker who, on the basis of a finite and accidental experience with language can produce and understand an indefinite number of new sentences.”
b. “In my theory, semantics (in the form of logic) was taken as prior to syntax on the basis of evidence that semantic and pragmatic considerations entered into generalizations governing syntactic structure.”
c. “The study of language can be conducted...only so long as we pay no attention to the meaning of what is spoken.”
d. “What we are trying to do in the present description is squeezing all the forms of EG into the system of Latin.”
e. "The true End and Use of Grammar is to teach how to speak and write well and learnedly in a language already known, according to the unalterable Rules of right Reason."
Each group of linguists represents a period in Grammar Studies below:
1. Leonard Bloomfield, Ch. Fries, Ferdinand de Saussure
2. H.Sweet, H.Poustma, O.Jespersen
3. William Bullokar, Ben Jonson, Thomas Dilworth, John Wallis
a. Classical Scientific Grammar
b. Pre-Normative Grammar
c. Generative Semantics-Cognitive Linguistics
d. Textual Linguistics
e. Structural Grammar
Закрытый вопрос Part 1. Section 1.3.
1. Professor … is a modern scholar.
a. O. Jespersen
b. M. Blokh
c. H. Sweet
d. L. Bloomfield
2. The very first English Grammar book was written by … .
a. Sir Thomas Elyot
b. John Dryden
c. William Bullokar
d. Otto Jespersen
3. Descriptive linguistics was worked out by … .
a. German linguists
b. Russian linguists
c. Swiss linguists
d. American linguists.
4. The aim of prescriptive grammar is to … .
a. set strict and rigid rules of correct language use
b. describe the grammatical structure of language
c. find out what functions language structures perform
d. describe the way in which linguistic information is stored in the brain
5. Transformational-generative grammar … .
a. describes the linguistic structure in terms of a network of interstratal relationships of realization
b. strives for formal objective description of a language without reference to meaning
c. sets out to describe linguistic means used to realize interpersonal metafunction
d. is concerned with the speaker's creative linguistic competence and not his performance
6. American structuralists, unlike European ones, focused on … .
a. devising an abstract relational structure that underlies actual utterances
b. description of unfamiliar languages and relationship between language and thought
c. finding out language universals
d. the speaker's creative linguistic competence and not his performance
7. Noam Chomsky made a significant contribution in the development of … .
a. Transformational grammar
b. Structural grammar
c. Stratificational grammar
d. Functional grammar
8. The two dichotomies basic for structural linguistic: language vs. speech; form vs. content were introduced by ….
a. Henry Sweet
b. Robert Lowth
c. Ferdinand de Saussure
d. Charles Fillmore
9. The Whorfian hypothesis is the thesis that … .
a. language has a hierarchical structure
b. language determines perception and thought
c. language is a set of deep structures and rules of their transformations into surface structures
d. most language units have a two-facet nature representing a unity of form and content
10. The Prague school mostly developed … approach in lingustics.
a. transformational
b. stratificational
c. structural
d. functional
11. Professor … distinguished two levels of the sentence – surface and deep ones.
a. Ch. Fries
b. L. Bloomfield
c. R. Lowth.
d. N. Chomsky
Part 1. Section 1.3. Открытый вопрос
1. The Prague school is mostly associated with … approach in lingustics.
2. Charles Fries and his infamous part of speech classification into four major positional classes represent … approach in Grammar Studies.
3. The IC analysis was introduced in Linguistics within the … framework of Grammar Studies.
4. The first attempts to standardize English were made by representatives of … grammar in the 17th-18th centuries.
5. The representation Agent + Process + Affected + Recipient can be related to … as one of the frameworks in Grammar Studies.
6. From 17th thru 18th centuries most Grammar books were written along … lines.
7. Structural approach in linguistics was succeeded by … one.
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Mrs. Ossinovskaya