воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Seminar 1-2.

Questions for discussion:

1.      Theoretical grammar as a branch of linguistics. Grammar and other branches, their interrelations. Chief notions of grammar.
2.      Periods of English grammar. Contributions of each type of grammar.
3.      Morphology and syntax as two parts of grammar.
4.      The grammatical structure of English compared to Russian.
5.      The hierarchy of lingual units.
6.      Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. Notional syntagmas.

Recommended Literature.
1.      Blokh M.Y. Chapter 1, p. 6-17, 222-229.
2.      Ilyish B.A. p. 5-18.
3.      Readings. p. 5-40.

Practical Assignment:
1.       Write out from the dictionary of Linguistics definitions of the following terms: a) language, speech, system, synchrony, diachrony, grammar, b) morphology, syntax, syncretism, paradigmatic, syntagmatic.
2.       Make a gist of every period of English grammar to facilitate the search for the necessary information (time period, scholars, approach, main ideas, criticism).
3.       Visit the following blog: grammarislife.blogspot.com . Sign in, study the presentation “Historical development of Theoretical Grammar” and write an essay (100-110 words) on the contributions of the certain type of grammar. Choose that type of Grammar by yourself.

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